MM 2025 - registered teams
Below you can find the list of teams registered for MM 2025 in Phases 1 and 2.
We are currently in Phase 2 of registration (15.12.2024 – 15.02.2025) – the links to the registration forms have been sent by the organizers to the national federations.
Please note that in case of exceeding the limits of 154 teams registered from IMO countries or 60 teams from the host country of Poland, entries added after the limit is exceeded will be removed manually.
Teams rejected after the limit is exceeded will be informed by email – they will be able to register again if the next phase of registration is launched.
Number of registered teams
In Phase 1 and 2, the total number of teams registered from IMO countries (except Poland and wild cards) must not exceed 154.
IMO countries (except Poland)
🇵🇱 Poland
Organizers wild cards
(Polska Federacja Mölkky and Stowarzyszenie Mölkky Dwunastka)
IMO (International Mölkky Organisation) wild cards
If you have signed up and you see an error on the list or you don’t see your team – email us at
If you don't have a team, but want to participate in the tournament and you're looking for a team/teammate - you can use this form:
[FORM] Players looking for teams, teams looking for players
A list of people who have already filled in the form with their contact information and details can be found here!
(NOTE: Please contact your potential teammates on your own!)